Clients are a eclectic collectionist and his french partner wishing a classic home where setting contemporary and modern art pieces.
Their property consist of the entire “piano nobile” in an 1870 building, including a private entrance at ground floor and a spa with a gym at lower floor.
Within a total renovation, we have saved and protected some valuable and distinguish elements: the mosaic and terrazzo floors made by the same teams, coming from Friuli, who made floors at the nearby Villa Reale, the monumental stair with balaustrade designed in 1920 by arch. Luigi Maria Brunelli, master of style, who lived and worked here until 1950, the excellent marble frames of antique fireplaces.
First of all we reinforced the floors old wooden structure and we set a new disposition of the rooms, then we provide every tecnological options for a luxury living, with a special attention to architectural adjustable led illumination.
Then we started designing doors,windows frames, heaters cover, all of these with golden leaf decorations, then we create new ceilings shape to hide the air conditioning exit, the ceiling new stucco decor to match the existing mosaic floors design.
Each detail has been designed and proportioned ad hoc.
Mosaic floor has been made where it was missing, for example in the new dining room, strictly following design and proportions of that one existing.
The wide kitchen, instead, has a contemporary style, with a decorated high glass wall to screen the upper part of the room.
Bathrooms are cladded in Calacatta Macchia Vecchia marble coming from historic quarry Cava Borghini, and completed with rounded back-lighted onix slab ; we designed furniture too.
We designed almost everything: the big bookcase, adjustable led illuminated, made with a black iron structure and completed by satin brass and glossy alpacca, the small desk as homage to Pierre Paulin, the dinner table in glossy brass and colored glass, the walking closet and the recessed wardrobe.
We have entirely custom designed the hammam and the gym: they include a light-dimming control and waterproof speakers to get the best relax .
And finally, along this rediscovery path into the classicism of the place, we got from an antique dealer, the book “STILE”, a style history written by arch.Luigi Maria Brunelli, featuring the picture of the stair as it was in the 1926.
Collaborators: Giulia Dagheti e Viviana Biggio